Canada Beehives is doing its part in saving honey bees through the building of Warre bee hives that promote honey bee health. We are increasing awareness about honey bees and how to care for them in our 'peoples hives' Warre Hives which are built in London Ontario Canada. Our Warre Bee Hives are eco friendly bee hives built from sustainable products in Canada for Canadians.
Below are some useful links that Canada Beehives is happy to provide. These pertain to Warre hives, natural beekeeping and honey bee information.
The link to the online E book Written be Emile Warre about his hive:
This site is dedicated to Warre hives. There is a lot of good information on here:
This site is a great resource for natural beekeeping methods. Michael Bush is known somewhat as the godfather of natural beekeeping. He does not do a lot with warre hives but most of the principals he uses still apply:
This site is a collection of beekeeping videos geared towards new beekeepers. It employs may convention techniques which go against many of the teaching of Warre so take it for what it is worth. There is still a lot of good general information on there such as dealing with package bees. I would recommend watching it all:
The page has a collection of skep beekeeping videos from Germany. See how they use to keep bees:
A Honey Nut cheerios led campaign to promote bee health:
And some more that other have passed along:
Here’s Why We Need to Save the Bees + 10 Things You Can Do to Help
Make a Mason Bee House
Making a Bee-Friendly Garden
Help the Honey Bees! Toxic Pesticides to Avoid in Your Garden
Buzzing for Solutions: 13 Organizations and Initiatives Helping to Save Bees